how to get rid of dust

The Right Ways to Clean Dust

Dust builds up quickly over time and sometimes it is hard to keep track of it, especially when you barely have time. However, there is few a simple tricks and tips on how to get rid of dust efficiently that you may find helpful.

The tips on how to get rid of dust are the following:

1. Build a routine

Establishing a regular dusting routine with short sessions will keep your home maintained, rather than doing it less often and allowing the dust to pile up. 30 minutes a week is plenty to set aside to dust off shelving, electronics (electronics are infamous for their ability to build up dust), and books.

2. Keep your Tools Clean

Keeping your tools clean is ideal to also, in turn, keep your home clean. Cleaning with unwashed or unclean rags or a full vacuum can be significantly less effective even bring dirt back into your home. Make sure to regularly throw your cleaning rags into the wash, empty your vacuum, and shake off your feather dusters.

3. Store Away Toys

Soft plush toys are notorious for collecting dust. Toys that your kids don’t regularly play with can be stored in an airtight bin under the bed to keep clean and keep them from collecting dust and debris.

4. Clean Kitchen Appliances

Your kitchen appliances are prone to wear and dust buildup. The areas behind the stove, refrigerator, and washer can often collect dust but remain neglected. Make sure to gently pull them away from the wall and get in the tiny nooks and crannies with a long tube vacuum attachment and mop. This will clean up not only crumbs but dust, food particles and even tiny insects.

Remember, whatever you do to clean your house, be it the smallest activity, you will always bring positive results. So just take it easy, step by step, and watch the magic happen!

Make sure to contact us for the highest quality, most reliable cleaning services. We hire only the best specialists to deal with the toughest of situations, so book an appointment with us and we will help you in no time!

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  1. Sam Wiese
    July 25, 2017 at 2:13 pm

    Your little pearls of wisdom are genuinely helpful. Keep up the good work.

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